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Le Marin - Bourboulenc - AOP La Clape

Jolie Mome - Muscat Sec Perlant - Vin de pays d'Oc La Clape

Cuvée No9 - Niellucio - Vin de France                                                                                          

The DOMAINE SARRAT DE GOUNDY, in the locality of Sarrat de Goundy, is in the heart of the LA CLAPE appellation zone in the Narbonne region and extends over 80 hectares. Vigneron Olivier Calix, a third generation winemaker, practices a sustainable viticulture, with low yields to obtain a maximum aromatic concentration.

"Le Marin" is a Bourboulenc (Malvoisie) blend the white varietal the La Clape appellation is famous for.

We have also selected "Jolie Mome" Muscat sec perlant a light and refreshing slighty fizzy white wine.

Cuvée No9 is made with the classic Corsican grape Nielluciu a cousin of the classic Italian Sangiovese.

La Clape

The utmost Mediterranean terroir

Located in the Aude department, AOC La Clape extends from Narbonne to the Mediterranean over a small area of 17 kilometers in length and width. It is bordered to the east by the sea, to the west by the low-lying alluvial plains of the Aude and to the south by the lagoons. The highest point is Pech-Redon, at 214m. The massif is characterized by its high cliffs, which dominate the horizon from the sea, and its canyons and valleys covered in pinewoods, vineyards and garrigue.

A classified environment

Characterized by small, winding, steep-sided, marly valleys ending abruptly in cliffs on the Mediterranean side, the landscape of La Clape is in stark contrast to the surrounding plains. It has been a state-classified site since 1973, for its outstanding natural beauty and its exceptional fauna and flora. Situated in the Narbonne regional natural park, it has also been recognized as a Natura 2000 site by the European Union for its natural habitats and remarkable species, a Sensitive Natural Space by the Aude department and is partly owned by the Coastal Conservatory. In addition to exceptional environmental challenges, here vines act as natural firebreaks and certain parts of the vineyard have been especially planted with this in mind, as part of a concerted effort.


A conductive climate

 The La Clape massif benefits from a harsh, dry climate. The sun and wind together beat down and sweep across the bare rocks. If it is one of the sunniest places in France (up to 3000 hours of sunshine a year) it is due to the thirteen different winds that sweep across it and chase the clouds away. Occasionally Mediterranean storms hit, as violent as they are rare and La Clape becomes a tropical isle. A network of ravines forms and the pines and reeds are bent over by the force of the elements. The vines are strengthened by this triple effect: the rain waters and cleans them, the wind dries and airs them and the sun nourishes them and swells the grapes with sugar. The harshness of the climate ensures a high-quality wine-producing area.


An ancient tradition

Wine production started at La Clape next to Narbonne towards the end of the 2nd century BCE when the Romans colonised the area. They were delighted by this tree covered area which had a similar climate to Italy. In those days it was still an island, the largest in the gulf of Narbonne. Julius Caesar awarded land to the best of his troops who soon threw themselves enthusiastically into wine production. Soon, wines from la Clape, known as Insula Laci, were being exported to Toulouse and Bordeaux as well as throughout the Empire. La Clape producers were even the first to benefit from the privilege of planting granted by the Senate to Roman citizens in Narbonne.

La Clape's golden age From the 12 th century onwards, a period of intense economic development, Narbonne became a great centre for international trade, its influence spreading far and wide. Towards 1650, out of twelve boats sailing from the town's port, ten were full of wine. During the 17 th century, the construction of the Canal du Midi further accentuated this trend.

Oïdium and phylloxera destroyed all the vines in the 19 th century. It was 50 years before La Clape's vines were reborn on the island which had, in the 14 th century, been joined to the mainland by soil washed down by the river Aude and changes to the coastline.

In the 1970s the area's white wines became well known thanks to one grape variety Bourboulenc.

La Clape became an AOC Coteaux du Languedoc in 1985, an independent denomination AOC La Clape in 2015.


Production surface area: 768 hectares

Number of producers: 25 private estates and 3 wine cooperatives

Annual production: 26 450 hectoliters

Average yield: 42 hl/ha

Colours: Red 80% and White 20%

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